Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Gift of Eucharist

The gift of the Eucharist: God so loved us that this sacrament was established for us through His Son at the Last Supper. The Sacrament strengthens and sustains us. I've received a real gift this Easter Season. Jesus in the Scripture, Jesus in the Gospel has become alive to me through and during Eucharist and reception of Holy Communion. It is the Jesus who teaches, heals and raises the dead. Preparing to receive communion, I walk forward knowing that it is this same Jesus who I am receiving physically and spiritually through reception of Holy Communion. Such a gift makes me humble and small. Please Jesus, allow me the grace to follow you better and keep you present as I go about my work and as I go about my life, which belongs to YOU.+++


  1. How come you never told me about this lovely blog you have started? What a great idea! I am going to send my secular fransican friends to you!! :)
    God's love, marti
